Women and Girls in Science 2022 – Lorie Neuberger-Castillo, Microbiome Specialist
17 February 2022

“Tough times are inevitable, but diligence, strong work ethic and encouragement from the right people can steer you in the right direction. Be brave! You will be surprised by what you can accomplish.”
The second video in the series ‘Be Brave: Women [& girls] in Science’ is Lorieza Neuberger-Castillo, who started her professional career in the Philippines 16 years ago.
At the Integrated Biobank of Luxembourg (IBBL) at the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH), Lorie is responsible for microbiome DNA sequencing and bioinformatics analysis. She is also an avid scuba diver and a mother of two – discover more in the video!
The video series Be Brave: Women [& girls] in Science is a collaboration between the institutions that form Research Luxembourg and MEGA (Ministère de l’Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes – Luxembourg). The series features 6 women in science with different journeys in science, with the goal to inspire young girls in[to] science.