SciLux podcast – Luca Ratti on Comparative European Labour Law
16 July 2024

Minimum Wages & Social Citizenship in Europe
The vast majority of the population works as employees, which is why minimum wages are the cornerstone of any employment contract. Prof. Luca Ratti has made this a focus of his research to understand how its effects on in-work poverty.
Luca Ratti is Associate Professor in European and Comparative Labour Law at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance of the University of Luxembourg, also holding a Jean Monnet Chair in European Labour Law to research and teach on the Sustainability of the European Social Model (2022-2025).
From 2020 to 2023, he has been coordinating the Horizon2020 project “WorkYP: Working, Yet Poor”, focused on in-work poverty and European social citizenship.

Listen to Professor. Luca Ratti as he delves into the field of European law, specifically minimum wages, social citizenship and the right to disconnect.
Listen to the new SciLux episode
A podcast to highlight research made in Luxembourg
Research Luxembourg and SciLux have teamed up to launch a new series of podcasts showcasing science in Luxembourg and beyond.
With a new episode every 2 weeks published, ‘SciLux powered by Research Luxembourg’ will showcase research activities and scientific cooperation in Luxembourg.