SciLux podcast – Luc Nijs on Music Education
03 September 2024

The Future of Music Education
What are the current trends in music performance and music education? At the University of Luxembourg, Prof. Luc Nijs is focusing his research on the influence of both traditional practices and new technologies on musicians’ practice.
Luc Nijs is Associate Professor at the University of Luxembourg. His research integrates theory development, empirical studies and practice, focusing on the musician‐instrument relationship, on the role of body movement in the instrumental learning process, and on the role of technology in provoking an embodied approach to instrumental music education. In recent years his work has also explored the social impact of music making.
He is also a visiting professor at the University of Ghent (BE), affiliated to IPEM and a founding member of the Jonet Chair on Music Making and Social Action.

Listen to Prof. Luc Nijs to discover the latest research trends in music education, and in particular how traditional practices and new technologies are influencing the way music is taught.
Listen to the new SciLux episode
This episode has been produced in collaboration with the In-Tune podcast from the Philharmonie of Luxembourg.
Musicians Training and AI
Unlike athletes, musicians receive little or no education regarding the most effective ways to prepare their bodies and minds for the high demands of performing music. The SAMUSE project addresses this shortcoming in training and educating musicians. It will lay the foundations of a research-based professionalization of instrumental music education by developing innovative quantitative methods informed by Artificial Intelligence (AI) modeling strategies to characterize different skill levels in music performance. Such characterization is fundamental to understanding the music skill acquisition continuum and to deploying this understanding for the design of adequate and effective learning paths.
The Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS) was launched in 2020 with the aim to strengthen the University’s interdisciplinary research and further reinforces its international profile as an excellent research university. Building on its strong disciplinary roots, the University uses interdisciplinary research as a catalyst to generate new understanding and innovations to improve the quality of life and society of tomorrow. The Institute is inspired by existing university-based Institutes for Advanced Studies on the international scenery, which are recognised for combining scientific excellence, interdisciplinarity and internationality, and for sharing knowledge and experience with society.
A podcast to highlight research made in Luxembourg
Research Luxembourg and SciLux have teamed up to launch a new series of podcasts showcasing science in Luxembourg and beyond.
With a new episode every 2 weeks published, ‘SciLux powered by Research Luxembourg’ will showcase research activities and scientific cooperation in Luxembourg.