SciLux podcast – Aurélie Poli and Heather Bax on AllergoOncology

04 June 2024

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Allergies and Cancer

Association does not automatically imply causation: do some types of allergy protect against certain types of cancer? Or, on the contrary, can allergies increase the growth of cancer cells? Dr Aurélie Poli and Dr Heather Bax are working together to better understand the links between allergies and several types of cancer, such as glioma or melanoma.

Dr Aurélie Poli is a Senior Scientist in the Neuro-Immunology Group, part of the the Department of Cancer Research, at the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH). Aurélie Poli’s research interests focus on the understanding of the epidemiological link between glioma development and pre-existing history of allergies.

Dr Heather Bax is a postdoctoral research fellow at the King’s College of London. She focuses her research work on developing novel antibodies of the IgE class to target solid tumours.

Listen to Dr Aurélie Poli and Dr Heather Bax explain how their research into each patient’s own immune system is enabling the development of personalised therapies for better outcomes.

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Using the patient’s own immune system for personalised treatment

Bringing together the analysis and expertise from allergy to better understand how it can affect cancer development and create more effective treatments for patients is the key aspect of alloergooncology. Indeed, bringing these disciplines together can enable new ideas to be developed to understand how a patient’s own body can provide protection, using IgE as a tool to create a tailor-made treatment against cancer.

Personalised medicine is now a key aspect of cancer research, particularly in the field of oncology. Researchers and clinicians are working together to develop therapies that use different mechanisms to harness the patient’s own immune system in different ways and increase the chances of success for each patient.

A podcast to highlight research made in Luxembourg

Research Luxembourg and SciLux have teamed up to launch a new series of podcasts showcasing science in Luxembourg and beyond.

With a new episode every 2 weeks published, ‘SciLux powered by Research Luxembourg’ will showcase research activities and scientific cooperation in Luxembourg.

Learn more on the SciLux X Research Luxembourg podcast