SciLux podcast – Anna-Lena Högenauer, associate professor in Political Science
30 May 2023

Luxembourgish and European Politics
In 2023, Luxembourg finds itself at a crucial juncture, marked by two significant elections: the municipal elections in June and the legislative elections in October. The latest episode of the SciLux podcast welcomes Professor Anna-Lena Högenauer for explaining the role of the Luxembourg Parliament and explore the broader landscape of governance at the European level.
Prof. Dr. Anna-Lena Högenauer is the Deputy Head of the Institute of Political Science and the Course Director of the Master in European Governance at the University of Luxembourg. Her research interests include questions of multi-level governance and regional interest representation, environmental policy-making, Europeanization, parliamentary scrutiny of European affairs and legitimacy in EU policy-making.
She is also a member of the University of Luxembourg’s Robert Schuman Institute, an interdisciplinary centre funded by the EU Commission as a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence.
Parliamentary democracy in Europe and Luxembourg
Dr Anna-Lena Högenauer was also an active member of the Observatory of Parliaments after Lisbon (OPAL) and the Erasmus Network on Parliamentary Democracy in Europe (PADEMIA). She was co-editor for the working paper series of the two networks and has been book reviews editor for Regional and Federal Studies from 2012-2015 and is currently Associate Editor of PRX and a member of the editorial boards of Politics and Governance and of Small States & Territories.
She participates in the ESRC-funded project Negotiating Brexit: EU institutions, national governments, and the UK (2017-2019).The project aims to provide independent analysis of the Brexit negotiations to the general public and will also result in research publications. She is also a member of the steering group of the EU-funded VIADUCT project on EU-Turkey relations (2017-2020), for which she is currently setting up an online student paper series.
She works on Luxembourgish politics as part of the C2ESS project (Challenges to European Small States, 2018-2021) and on the legitimacy of central bank decisions as part of the EMULEG project (2021-2024). She is also a member of the COST Network Intergovernmental Coordination from Local to European Governance (IGCOORD, 2021-2025).

Listen to Anna-Lena Högenauer to gain a deeper understanding of the roles and dynamics that shape the Luxembourgish Parliament and the EU as we navigate through an insightful conversation.
Diplomacy Lab
The University of Luxembourg Diplomacy Lab aims to provide practical insights into diplomacy and international relations. The lab focuses on students’ professional development and allows them to work on topics and skills that interest them.
Professor Anna-Lena Högenauer emphasised that the Diplomacy Lab is student centered: “It is officially directed by HE Diego Brasioli, but is really by and for the students, focusing on their professional development, and working together on the topics and skills that interest them”.
A podcast to highlight research made in Luxembourg
Research Luxembourg, RTL Today and SciLux have teamed up to launch a new series of podcasts showcasing science in Luxembourg and beyond.
With a new episode every 2 weeks published on RTL Play, ‘SciLux powered by Research Luxembourg’ will showcase research activities and scientific cooperation in the Grand Duchy.