SciLux podcast – Alexandre Tkatchenko on Physics and Chemistry

18 June 2024

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Beauty in Physics and Chemistry

Dark energy, molecules, space and time, drugs efficiency, etc.: what is the link between these topics?

Alexandre Tkatchenko is Full Professor in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics at the University of Luxembourg and Head of the Department of Physics and Materials Science and Head of the Theoretical Chemical Physics group. His research interests focus on quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, and machine learning to develop efficient methods to enable accurate modeling and new insights into complex materials. Prof. Tkatchenko has also received 5 flagships grants from the European Research Council (ERC).

Listen to Prof. Alexandre Tkatchenko to delve into the beauty of Physics and Chemistry.

Listen to the new SciLux episode

More on our website on Prof. Tkatchenko’s work

A podcast to highlight research made in Luxembourg

Research Luxembourg and SciLux have teamed up to launch a new series of podcasts showcasing science in Luxembourg and beyond.

With a new episode every 2 weeks published, ‘SciLux powered by Research Luxembourg’ will showcase research activities and scientific cooperation in Luxembourg.

Learn more on the SciLux X Research Luxembourg podcast