Luxembourg Charter on Mentorship in Academia  

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Mentoring is one of the fundamental aspects in building and driving a positive and inclusive research culture, contributing to the development and growth of a responsible and diverse group of researchers who contribute to research with impact.

To help mentors and mentees, but also supervisors and evaluators, the Research Culture Working Group of the different institutions that form Research Luxembourg have drafted a charter providing guidelines for the foundation of good mentorship that should serve as of best practice in the Luxembourgish research ecosystem.

Why this Charter on Good Mentorship in Academia?

Mentoring experiences can be personally transformative. Good mentorship goes beyond professional development, shaping individual scientists, impacting on scientific careers, as well as passing along positive research values such as research integrity, scientific credibility and fostering a diverse and inclusive research environment.

Overall, it provides aspects of psychosocial and career support, and may include role modelling, counselling, and helping mentees develop a support network of other mentors and peers. A mentor does not only guide and help people grow – they also teach them how to be a good mentor. If a researcher has the benefit of a great mentor, chances are they will pass on many of the good approaches learned to others, improving the research ecosystem for everyone and supporting the success of everyone involved.

The charter is comprised of a set of values and competences, as well as an action plan of existing and upcoming initiatives in Luxembourg around mentorship. It will be a living document and a resource for all involved in mentorship, and will be kept up-to-date by the Research Culture Working Group.
