National research & innovation strategy
Luxembourg has drawn up a formal national research strategy defining how Luxembourg’s scientific ecosystem should develop over the next 10 years and in which areas investment should be concentrated.
The present National Research and Innovation Strategy aims to provide the general framework that will allow for a targeted development of Luxembourg’s research ecosystem in the years to come. It aspires to maximise its impact on the progress of the country and beyond, while positioning Luxembourg as a major international player, visible through its excellent research activities. I am convinced that research will be one of the best ambassadors for a small country with a big impact.” I am convinced that research will be one of the best ambassadors for a small country with a big impact.
Claude Meisch, Minister of Higher Education and Research
Luxembourg 2030: Towards interdisciplinary research and sustainable innovation
Faster, Further, Together: This is what Luxembourg is doing to become a diverse and sustainable knowledge-based society by 2030. The interdisciplinary research and innovation ecosystem significantly contributes to achieving our vision for “Luxembourg 2030”.
“Luxembourg 2030” is more than just a vision. The country has drawn up a national research strategy defining how Luxembourg’s scientific ecosystem should develop over the next 10 years, and in which areas investment should be concentrated.
The national Research & Innovation strategy was approved by the Government in December 2019. It aims to accompany research and innovation activities in such a way that they serve the implementation of the Luxembourg 2030 vision of a sustainable knowledge society. To fulfill this mission, Research & Innovation needs:
- coordinated governance, infrastructures and policies
- a regulatory framework and funding instruments that allow research to act as a driver for innovation in industry, in services and in the public sector
- the integration of science in society.

Research priority areas
Luxembourg, a living laboratory for artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) plays an important role in the context of the vision “Luxembourg 2030”, representing an enabling technology in the four main research priority areas.
In line with the national strategy, Luxembourg has the ambition to develop AI for selected use cases at national level. In becoming a living laboratory, Luxembourg shows how this technology can become a national tool to support the development of society.
As a small country, Luxembourg can benefit in this context from its size and its ability to develop faster than larger countries. Additionally, the country can contribute to the development of tomorrow’s standards by developing a legal framework for the use of AI based on ethical principles and by testing its implementation.
Steadily growing public funding
Public funding is a key pillar of research in Luxembourg. The government budget allocations for Research & Development have constantly increased to reach 1.7 billion euros for the 2022-2025 period. Moreover, the country’s research institutions continue to conclude multi-year contracts with the government in which performance indicators are defined. These are to reflect the mission of the strategy and to make “research with impact” a reality.