Cybersecurity Research in Luxembourg – People
Prof Dr Peter RYAN, University of Luxembourg
Full professor in Computer science and communication at FSTM, head of the Applied Security and Information Assurance (APSIA) Research Group at SnT.
Prof. Symeon Chatzinotas, SnT
Full Professor / Chief Scientist and Head of the research group on signal Processing and Communications (SIGCOM) at the Interdisciplinary Centre SnT, University of Luxembourg. The group works across blue-sky and applied research to enhance wireless terrestrial and satellite-based communication systems, including Quantum Communication Infrastructure and secure key distribution acrosse Europe.
Dr Djamel Khadraoui, Head of Reliable Distributed Systems Unit, LIST
The high connectivity of networks in Luxembourg has undoubtedly an important impact on the quality of service delivered (rapid exchange) but other factors must be considered in a proposed enhanced value proposition associated with services. Some examples are: service reliability (breakdown, recovery time, etc.), data security (privacy, cybercrime, etc.), user service interface (ease of use, context adaptation, etc.), or the compliance of the services to national and international regulations and standards.
The Reliable Distributed Systems Unit takes up the challenge of how to ensure the robustness and resilience of interconnected digital systems. It research question is: “How to combine the latest strategic fields on Computational, Networking and Operational Research to develop Trustworthy Data and Network enabled next generation of Inter-connected Digital Systems?”