Horizon Europe: Spotlight on two successful projects recently launched in Luxembourg
31 October 2024

Luxembourg punches above its weight when it comes to the Horizon Europe funding scheme, the European Union’s (EU) flagship programme for research and innovation.
Horizon Europe supports projects all the way from the concept formation to market uptake, with over €95.5 billion budgeted for the period 2021-2027. Luxembourg has in the past proved to be a ‘model student’ when it comes to securing funding (see: Horizon 2020: Luxembourg has 3rd highest success rate in the EU) and the latest figures show that this trend is continuing.
As of July 2024, Luxembourg applicants have secured €178.59 million in Horizon Europe funding, of which 25% has gone to research centres and 15% to the University of Luxembourg (higher education sector). Overall, Luxembourg had 306 proposals retained out of a total of 1,559 submissions, giving it a high success rate. This could be partly explained by the fact that Luxembourg has one of the highest ratios of scientists and engineers per application (43), see figure below.

Two standout Horizon Europe Projects

The AMUSENS project is a consortium of 10 partners coordinated by the Luxembourg Institute for Science and Technology (LIST). Its objective is to develop a gas sensor platform with flexible selectivity to different gas environments by combining a multi-pixel approach and artificial intelligence to adapt the data analysis to the targeted applications.
Using original additive manufacturing approaches for local liquid and gas phase deposition, AMUSENS aims to expand the range of materials available and demonstrate their sustainability in wafer-scale processing. Artificial intelligence will be used both to accelerate material selection and for data fusion to identify specific patterns in gas analysis. Two specific applications targeting personal exposure and healthcare will demonstrate the adaptability of the platform, based on an analysis of user requirements.
Start date: 2024-06-01
End date: 2028-05-31
Duration: 48 months
Project cost: € 7 995 710,34
Project funding: 100% EU-funded

The HealthyW8 project is coordinated by the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH) and involves 24 prestigious European institutions, with 3 participants from Luxembourg. It aims to enhance obesity prevention in Europe by developing a digital healthy lifestyle recommendation system that personalises interventions.
HealthyW8 combines various methods, including socio-economic and living context factors, to target the problem of obesity. The project uses techno-psychological assessments, policy audits, and qualitative and quantitative Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) methods to better understand behaviour and its triggers. The project integrates different disciplines to better understand obesity, including sensor-based data collection, observational studies, and participant surveys.
Start date: 2023-05-01
End date: 2028-04-30
Duration: 60 months
Project cost: € 10, 000, 000
Project funding: 100% EU-funded
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Source of the article: €178.59 million in Horizon Europe grants awarded to Luxembourg applicants – Luxinnovation website