Funding programmes
There are three main types of research funding available in Luxembourg: national funding, European funding, and private funding.
National Funding
The Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) offers a wide variety of funding instruments aiming to attain scientific leadership in key areas, turn public research into a competitive advantage for the country and anchor science and research in society:
Standard research funding programmes
- CORE is aimed at researchers performing their research in one of the Luxembourg public research institutions, and projects must fit into the country’s research priorities presented in the National & Innovation Strategy for Luxembourg.
- OPEN provides funding for a limited number of high-quality research projects in emerging research areas in Luxembourg.
- INITIATE supports the initiation and development of strategic research and innovation project ideas that will help make Luxembourg internationally competitive in priority domains.
- NCER programme provides a structuring framework and funding instrument to bundle research excellence around a mission of significant societal relevance by encouraging high-level transdisciplinary research and intersectoral collaboration.
- The AFR INDIVIDUAL grant scheme awards PhD grants for Luxembourg nationals in Luxembourg or abroad, and for researchers of any nationality providing the project takes place in Luxembourg.
- PRIDE awards PhD grants collectively
International collaboration and mobility
- INTER is the main funding instrument to foster international collaboration by enabling the FNR to initiate bi or multilateral arrangements for project calls, in conjunction with other national or international funding bodies.
- INTER MOBILITY promotes the exchange between research groups from public research institutions in Luxembourg, and leading research groups abroad.
Attracting excellent researchers and knowledge transfer professionals
In general, FNR programmes are based on competitive funding and are used to finance projects linked to research activities in Luxembourg. Additional support exists for outstanding researchers coming to Luxembourg to set up a research group, including
- ATTRACT is designed for junior researchers not yet established in Luxembourg, who demonstrate the potential to become leaders in their field of research. The scheme offers promising junior researchers the opportunity to set up their own research team within one of the country’s research institutions. Host institutions offer candidates the prospect of developing an own research line. ATTRACT fellows are offered individual coaching and a career track towards a tenured position.
- PEARL offers research institutions attractive funding to enable them to attract internationally recognised senior researchers from abroad to Luxembourg.
- KITS programme provides competitive funding to public research institutions in Luxembourg to attract and integrate highly skilled professionals in the area of knowledge transfer.
Encouraging private and public collaborations
The FNR encourages and financially supports public-private collaboration for research at all career stages.
- Industrial fellowship awards PhD and Postdoc grants to researchers who carry out their PhD and/or postdoc training in collaboration with a company in Luxembourg. The scheme is open to all scientific domains, and to all researchers, regardless of their nationality. Collaborating companies must have a presence in Luxembourg.
Industrial Fellowships, Industrial Partnership Block Grant (IPBG) and BRIDGES programmes. Through the JUMP instrument, a programme opened to all research domains, the FNR helps bridge the technical and funding gap between research-driven discoveries and their commercialisation/utilisation, thereby enhancing the impact of Luxembourg’s research on economy and society.
- Finally, the FNR offers a range of programmes to promote scientific culture and to raise public awareness for research and science. RESCOM supports communication between researchers to promote scientific outcomes. The OPEN ACCESS FUND promotes the free access to research results from FNR (co)funded projects. Promoting Science to the Public scheme (PSP) aims to strengthen the exchange between science and society. The programme supports projects that allow the target audience to come into contact with science and research in an interactive way

European Funding
As National Contact Point, Luxinnovation provides information, advice and guidance to applicants for EU research and innovation funding. Luxembourg’s national innovation agency works one-on-one on individual projects, organises events, and communicates broadly.
Horizon Europe is the European Union’s Research & Innovation Investment Programme for 7 years (2021 to 2027), also referred to as the 9th Framework Programme (FP 9). It is the EU’s flagship programme to support research and innovation (R&I) all the way from fundamental concept to market uptake.
The MSCA programme encourages transnational, intersectoral and interdisciplinary mobility. It enables research-focused organisations (both public and private) to host talented foreign researchers and to create strategic partnerships with leading institutions worldwide.
The programme aims to equip researchers with the necessary skills and international experience for a successful career, either in the public or the private sector. It is open to all areas of research and innovation, from fundamental research to market take-up and innovation services.
Eureka is an international network established in 1985 as an agreement between 18 countries to foster European competitiveness and integration and to encourage R&D cooperation. Since then, it has expanded to include over 45 countries in Europe and beyond who share the same goals and have national funding available to organisations who apply through its programmes.
IraSME is a network of funding programmes from different countries/regions that share the same goal: Supporting small businesses in their innovation efforts.
The ECSEL Joint Undertaking – the Public-Private Partnership for Electronic Components and Systems – funds Research, Development and Innovation projects for world-class expertise in these key enabling technologies, essential for Europe’s competitive leadership in the era of the digital economy. Luxembourg’s Ministry of the Economy supports ECSEL through Luxinnovation.
Private Funding
Private funding is also an option. As such, some private funders or foundation offer scientific funding programmes.
André Losch Fondation
André Losch Fondation is a Luxembourg fondation reconnue d’utilité publique created in 2009 and supporting philanthropic projects in the fields of education, scientific research, health and social cohesion. It was founded by André Losch a Luxembourg entrepreneur and according to his will is active exclusively within the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg.